Trump’s Plan: Transfer is bad, racist, right? Maybe it’s racist to be opposed to this

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4 Responses

  1. moshe dann says:

    As long as Israel doesn’t take Gaza the world is happy!

  2. Israel should do everything she can to prevent Gaza from being rebuilt. If it is uninhabitable, it will be uninhabited. Where the Gazans go — and there are many options in addition to Jordan and Egypt — is not Israel’s problem. Let the UN take care of them.

    • Sheri Oz says:

      I am actually suggesting a reframing that could not be rejected by the soft-hearted who are moved by the images — just let them get out of Gaza and then they will stay out.

  3. You are quite right that many Gazans would be overjoyed to leave, if they could. But there are great pressures to keep them there, from Arab states, the US State Department, Europe, the UN — basically everyone that wants to hurt Israel and doesn’t care about individual Arabs. This is why UNRWA was created and why the Arab states that host UNRWA camps refuse to absorb Palestinian ‘refugees’, or even grant them rights to work or enter their educational systems.
    Don’t forget the First Rule of Palestinism: “it’s always better to hurt Jews than to help Arabs.” That’s why it’s necessary to create facts (in this case, devastation) on the ground.

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