Joseph Aaron Stang: Galut, The Court Jew, And Arab Law
I recently read a conversation between two Jews. One of them wanted to offer shelter to some Syrian refugees but the other thought that was an “idiotic” idea because of security concerns. This conversation made me think of Charity, that force that was initially powerful enough to threaten ancient Rome, and that now sounds dumb in the face of “Roman” propaganda.
During the last days of the Jewish Monarchy, the Jews were losing to the Romans culturally and militarily. Three hundred years later, a movement that was originally entirely Jewish was so threatening to the Roman empire, that to avoid being overrun, the Romans co-opted mystical aspects and converted to their new interpretation and this new interpretation became formalized Christianity.
The Jewish movement had appealed to the Gentiles because it taught Charity in the face of slavery, slaughter, and subjugation. After the Roman appropriation, however, the movement stopped being Jewish and became dominated by anti-semitic interpretations. Esau, the Tanakh’s spiritual father of Rome, was profane. He didn’t care, he just wanted the throne, so he molded the movement to support his claim to power.

Joseph Aaron Stang, Guest Blogger
Contemporary Jews refuse to act like the Hebrews that they are because, after two thousand years of trying to survive in the Galut, assimilation crept in. They have been trying to fit in with the “Romans” for so long, that now they are trying to turn Israel “Roman” again. Something often overlooked is that Mohamed was also fighting the Romans. He wrote the founding book of Arab law, and in it he clearly says Allah gave the deed of the Holy Land to the Jews in perpetuity. The Jews think this is a small thing, perhaps because they want to be “Roman” or at least accepted by the “Romans”, and this perpetual land grant is in the Quran.
Because of this, Israelis accept no responsibility for the education of Arab children in Judea and Samaria. They won the land with the “rock” of modern Israel, the IDF, and then abandoned the children to those who taught hate. The very obvious result of allowing tyrants to teach hatred in Judea and Samaria is dead Jews in Israel.
Because this cancer was allowed to metastasize, Jew hatred took over Islam among those living in the land now reconquered by the Jews, just as in other parts of the Arab world. The ONLY reason this is occurring is Ashkenazi “privilege”, and galut-inspired refusal to defend Israel with the Quran. Insuring true Quranic education in Israel and in the reconquered Judea and Samaria would have ended this conflict already.
The fight with the Arabs was manipulated into existence by the “Romans”, through their manipulative redrawing of middle eastern borders, their incitement against the creation of Israel, and their support of Wahhabism.
The Quran is a legal document, in which the author sides with the Jews against the Romans, and yet Jews are saying today,”The land is ours because of Balfour and the UN.” In other words, “The Romans said we could have it back.” Instead of substantiating the claim to the land with the book of cousins and neighbors, the Jews substantiate their claim with rationale from the common enemy.
Western Jews have not yet left the Galut; they brought it to Israel. They are still ideologically enslaved to the Romans. The Arabs’ Holy Book says the Jews should fight with the Arabs against the Romans, but instead, the Jews fight with the Romans against the Arabs.
Here is my plea to you: Please stop being slaves to the Western/Wahhabist divide-and-conquer strategy. The Charity that initially threatened the Roman empire, and the book of the people that eventually defeated it, were both born from Jewish culture. Therefore, claim the land from Mohamed, not Balfour, and make sure the Arab children living in your land are taught Arabic law from the Quran, not foreign inspired political corruptions of it.
Explain that the Quran teaches that a good Jew is a good Muslim.
Quran 5:48. And We revealed to you the Book, with truth, confirming the Scripture that preceded it, and safeguarding it. So judge between them according to what God revealed, and do not follow their desires if they differ from the truth that has come to you. For each of you [Jew and Arab] We have assigned a law(sharia) and a method. Had God willed, He could have made you a single nation, but He tests you through what He has given you. So compete in righteousness. To God is your return, all of you; then He will inform you of what you had disputed.
You have the right to teach the Quran because the Quran says you do.
Quran 10:94 – And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those (the Jews) who read the Scripture (Tanakh) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers.
The Quran says that Israel is yours, and you want them to live here peacefully under authentic (but modernized) Hebrew law.
5:21 “O my people, enter the holy land that God has written for you, and do not turn your backs, or you will become losers.”
This would win acceptance and Shalom, and it is your clear duty from the Tanakh as a nation of priests and a light unto the nations. You do not do this, however, because you are still under the influence of thinking that developed during centuries of living among the “Romans”. Instead of showing Jewish Charity to refugees, Israel, you are siding with our common Roman masters against those who should be your allies.
Leave the Galut. Learn the true Zionist interpretation of the Quran, and teach it as priests to secure your claim to the Holy Land.
[Feature Image: Pixabay]
How does the Pact of Omar[1] play into your argument?
There is no Dhimmi status in the Quran. The Islam you are familiar with is a result of the Sunni Shia wars. They have fought over quranic interpretation for 1400 years and injected political bias into their exegesis. When the Quran is read without the Sunni/Shia goggles, it is not only entirely Zionist, it is the most pluralistic of all three books.