He implied I couldn’t go home to Haifa when I return to Israel
A Canadian friend shared a videoclip with me. I was horrified to discover that while I was visiting family in Europe, residents of Haifa (where I live) and Tel Aviv were being evacuated. I would have thought my daughter and friends would have told me I could not go back to my home when I return the following week and I should make arrangements for a place to live.
I did a Google search for “evacuation from Haifa” and discovered a number of articles about that, with a major difference: these were articles written shortly after Oct 7th and were about American nationals (and others) being evacuated to escape the huge barrages of missiles from Gaza and the inevitable war against Hamas.
So who is this person telling me I am being evacuated from my home? He is Eric Warsaw, some Canadian who, I was told, appears on TV sometimes and who, according to his TikTok account, gives live performance every night — I have no idea what kind of performances.
Google doesn’t know Eric Warsaw any more than I do, and neither do relatives in Toronto I asked. Yet, he has 40+K subscribers and 7K+ followers on TikTok, and has garnered over 500K likes. To me, that is 47+K too many. It is 47+K too many people influenced by the garbage this man spews out.
Just in case someone sends you this clip (or one like it), let us look at it, and then I will identify his lies if you cannot. It’s only a minute and a-half long. But that’s long enough to tell two whoppers. If you prefer to read rather than watch clips, most of it is repeated in text below the video where I debunk his lies.
His first big lie is kind-of funny.
Erik says Israel citizens are fleeing major cities to avoid being bombed. I guess that means that if you don’t live in a major city, you’re not afraid of being bombed? Hard to understand that one. Perhaps Iranian retaliation bombs will more accurate than the thousands of Iranian/Qatar-supplied Hezbollah and Hamas bombs that have rained down upon us for a few decades already.
* * * * *
Yes, Israel has been bombed for decades. You don’t know that because we usually don’t make a big deal of it — they usually land in open fields and don’t kill enough of us Jews for the world to agree we are justified in doing what it takes to stop them. Until Oct 7th, that is. We were justified in defending ourselves then, for a few days anyway. Now look what they say about us. Eric Warsaw being only one of millions, it seems.
* * * * *
Now, Erik continues, in fleeing the major cities, Israelis are creating major traffic jams (as opposed to those that occur regularly between Haifa and Tel Aviv, for example?) and some are even driving on the wrong side of the road. Guess we must have watched too many disaster movies where people drive on the wrong side of the road (horrors!) to escape dragons, floods, aliens, etc.
Eric suggests that
Iran has promised — not threatened, but promised — to bomb Israel in retaliation for all the months of Israel doing all the airstrikes and assassinating all its people travelling to Syria.
Is this guy serious: “…all its people travelling to Syria?” With just a few extra weapons in their carry-ons , perhaps. Eric doesn’t seem to know that the assassinations were against terrorists who were instrumental in attacks against Israel.
In the latest, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi of the Quds Force of the IRGC was holding a meeting together with his top commanders when they were eliminated. Zahedi had been transferring weaponry from Iran to Syria in preparation for the escalation of assaults against Israel and in coordinating Iranian based Hezbollah and Hamas attacks. The Qud Force is recognized as a terrorist organization by the USA, Canada, Israel, Saudi Arabic and Bahrain, and other countries are debating doing the same. These are an example of the “people travelling to Syria” Eric seems to think Israel should not have assassinated.
Ready for the second big lie?
Then he says that Iran’s threats come right after
all the threats coming from Russia ever since a couple of weeks ago, Ukraine and Israel hired those men to do the attack at the Moscow concert which killed 139 civilians… So they really pissed off Putin with that.
Actually, while ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks, and Putin does not deny they carried it out, Eric says he is blaming the Israel and Ukraine for ordering it. Other than linking in American allies (implying Israel among others) not a word was written about Israel in articles talking about this (such as here). But hey! If Eric can drum up a bit more anti-Israel dirt and keep Biden clean, why not, eh!
He apparently only reads the titles of the mainstream newspaper headlines he puts up as screenshots to support his lies because had he read and understood the articles, he would have known that, not only was Israel not even named as being behind the attack in any way, for example in the WSJ article, nobody believes Russia’s accusation that it was Ukraine or the USA.
If you want to verify whether or not someone you want to believe is telling it as those news sites are telling it, you better read the articles yourself and not just take social media talkers like Eric at their word.
Then Erik says that Russia is poised near Israel’s Golan Heights, supposedly to coincide with his accusation that Israel was part of the terrorist plot against the concert goers in Moscow. In fact, Russia is there because of their opposition to Israeli strikes against Hezbollah in the region of the border with the Golan and to the Israeli assassination of the high ranking Iranian comanders in Syria.
He also warns that Lebanon is angry with us too for attacking deep within that country. He neglects to mention that the attacks were specifically against Hezbollah targets.
So how does Eric conclude this performance? He says that Israel is “really really scared.” I guess that is what prompted my Canadian friend to tell me I should skedaddle back to Canada. Anyway, he tells his audience that
Lebanon has the right to defend itself. Iran has the right to defend itself. Russia has the right to defend itself. And everybody around Israel that Israel has attacked has a right to defend itself in retaliation.
I think Erik must have read and believed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
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P.S. Just a curiousity. I couldn’t help but notice this clip where he accuses Soros of being “an evil rich person who exploits [various national] economies to get rich while causing you inflation.” I accuse Soros of a lot of things, but being a Jew (which he is only because his mother was) who is loyal to Israel (which he hates) is not one of those things. I think Soros would have a fit were he to see the Israeli flag next to his name. I deliberately took the screenshot when he was called a moron by the speaker Eric uploaded for this piece. I would use stronger language, but that will do for now.

Thank you so much for featuring me in your article!!! I showed it off to everyone I knew and they loved your article too! ???????? ????
Thanks, Erik, for finding and commenting on my article. I am glad you appreciated it (so far, it got you two more clicks on your video). Before seeing your comment, I did wonder why there was suddenly a bunch of traffic to this article (only one from Canada and I am assuming that is you). If you have any other videos you would like me to critique, don’t hesitate to send me the links. Perhaps you are doing work pointing to the increasing antisemitism in Canada, eh?
p.s. Thanks for getting me back to this article because your clip wasn’t showing for some reason and I was glad to know I had to fix it.
p.p.s. If you care to engage in a debate of the issues, let me know.