Starving in Gaza like this girl?
There are photos making the rounds in the social media trying to demonstrate how Israel is deliberately starving the Gazan population. The first thing I do is try to determine if they are really...
There are photos making the rounds in the social media trying to demonstrate how Israel is deliberately starving the Gazan population. The first thing I do is try to determine if they are really...
2023-24 War against Hamas and Hezbollah
by Sheri Oz · Published November 26, 2023 · Last modified January 17, 2024
What they did to themselves!! This article has a short version and a longer version. Both are stories of mourning. Gazan stories of mourning. And to both of these I add an addendum of...
2023-24 War against Hamas and Hezbollah
by Sheri Oz · Published October 30, 2023 · Last modified September 20, 2024
One would think there would be sufficient material to show the world about the impact of Israeli missiles on Gaza without having to resort to making things up. One even made me laugh. If...